Do you have a Paraquat Case?

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Were you or a loved one exposed to Paraquat®?

Forestorm®, Parazone®, Gramoxone®

Where did the exposure occur?

Were you, or a loved one, diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease?

Do you already have an attorney representing this case?

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The paraquat lawsuit has been a hot topic of interest lately, and for good reason. This highly toxic herbicide has been linked to Parkinson’s disease among other illnesses and health consequences and people are seeking justice for damages. Working with an experienced attorney is key to a successful lawsuit, especially one that involves a large corporation such as the manufacturer of paraquat. Read on to learn if you’re eligible to take part in a paraquat lawsuit and how an experienced personal injury attorney can help.

Paraquat Lawsuit Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been exposed or has used the herbicide paraquat in the past and were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after the exposure or use, you may be entitled to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer of this chemical. This highly toxic weed killer has been linked to high rates of Parkinson’s disease, kidney disease or failure, and other long-term or even deadly illnesses.

Many people have filed lawsuits against the manufacturers of paraquat or have participated in class action lawsuits as a result of their personal injuries caused by this harmful substance. If you’d like to move forward with a lawsuit or class action suit, contact a paraquat lawsuit attorney today to get started.


What Is Paraquat?

Paraquat is a herbicide used as a weed killer and other leafy green plants. It initially gained popularity in the mid-20th century and has since been used around the country and world by landscapers, agricultural workers, farmers, gardeners, and others who work in landscape or agriculture. Common names that paraquat is marketed under include Firestorm, Gramoxone, Helmquat, and Parazone.

This herbicide has been banned by more than 30 countries, but in the United States it is still available to those who have a certification to use it.

How Can You Be Exposed To Paraquat?

Even if you or your loved one have not used paraquat directly, exposure is still very possible. The following are several ways in which a person can be exposed to this toxic herbicide:

  • Through ingestion
  • Skin exposure
  • Inhaling the chemical
  • Accidental contamination of beverages or food
  • Touching plants that have been sprayed with paraquat

People who are in direct contact with paraquat are at a higher risk of harm from this chemical. Additionally individuals living in rural areas have a higher chance of exposure and subsequent health consequences.


Are You Eligible To File A Paraquat Claim?

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed after use or exposure of paraquat, you may be eligible to file a paraquat lawsuit and receive a settlement to compensate you for your losses and personal injuries and illness. The following are the most important criteria that must be met when filing a paraquat lawsuit:

Proof of exposure to paraquat
Proof of working on a farm or other agricultural environment that used paraquat
Proof of exposure through other means, such as a tank filler, living in a rural or farming community, or direct application of paraquat
Proof of a medical diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease that occurred after exposure to paraquat

It’s important to maintain all documentation related to your paraquat exposure as well as any medical diagnoses that came subsequently to this exposure. This documentation can support your claim and strengthen your case in court.


Why You Need An Experienced Paraquat Lawsuit Attorney

Many manufacturers of paraquat continue to maintain that this chemical is safe and are working hard to defend the lawsuits and class action suits that have been brought against them. These large corporations have teams of lawyers on their side who do their best to minimize claims and damages on the part of the claimants.

It’s important to work with an experienced paraquat lawsuit attorney such as those at Florin|Roebig to ensure you have strong representation and a knowledgeable legal team on your side. Without an attorney, your case could be minimized or even thrown out if left in the hands of the defendants and their legal teams. An experienced attorney can help investigate your claim to ensure there are no holes and can help you build a strong case using viable evidence and documentation. Contact us today to be in touch with a trusted lawsuit law firm that will support you every step of the way through the lawsuit process.

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